The City of Brotherly Love

So you might remember, from say - the majority of my posting - that I've been looking for work.


Happy Holidays! :)

I'm a little back logged with holiday pictures, so now this skirt is full with presents. :)
Yesterday was spent with cousins and uncles.  Our family has grown so much this past year.
To see 3 babies under a year and a 2 and a 5 year old…nothing sweeter.

Highlights from yesterday:
  • Cora (5) and Aidan (2) sitting in the chair together, "I'm holding Aidan for case he gets scared."
  • I would publicly like to thank cousin Nick and my Cousin in Law, Shannon for the baby time they shared Logan with me for.  He's THE happiest baby I know.  HAPPIEST!  Which in turn, made me the happiest cousin you'll ever know. :)
  • I asked Aidan if I could sit next to him to which he responded, "Uh, huh."  Loves.
  • Logan liked his farm.
  • And Nana Ruth, at 89 1/2 managed to survive the day - tired, but just joyful for our family.
It's 11am and my mother is STILL sleeping.  Way to go, Christmas Day! :)

I was up at 7am preparing the beef tips in a cherry wine sauce for dinner tonight (crock pot).
I went to Savory Suppers this week and prepared Christmas Dinner.
Along with the beef, we'll feast on Pork Medallions in a gorgonzola cream sauce, Meatballs, and Crab Cakes.   Yumm Yumm!

I've also got to make some Peppermint Swirl Cupcakes (Recipe Here: Mindika Moments)
and I'm trying to find my marbles! :)

To pull off this pinterest gem:
Source: via Amy on Pinterest

Wherever you are, with whatever you have, with whomever you're celebrating with, I hope you find the reason for the season all around you and may you be filled with the joy of his spirit all Christmas long.

I KNOW Santa!

So, MONDAY the ENTIRE BERTRAM CLAN was home again, together, including their new GORGEOUS toddler, Emerson Jayne.


New family holiday photos were taken.
Lots of hugs.
LMG and I even got to go out and do some SUPER SECRET shopping for his family.
Which they loved.

While we were out I was telling Little Man George that we should stop and see Santa.
Of course, he was a little thrilled.

Happy Holidays!

Read MORE.
Click it.

Epic Fail.

Crafting is good for my spirit.
Free crafting?
Good for my spirit and wallet.
This week I'll begin creating a lot of homemade presents for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.


I realized tonight that you have never met my 89 and 1/2 year old Nana Ruth.
The one who took the fall.
You need to.
She's amazeballs.

2011-12-17 at 08:48.png

Lady A is NEVER ALONE :)

Thursday Night Mr B. surprise Surprised me with an early Christmas Gift I was NOT expecting.

Cross Those Fingers!

UPDATE on the job hunt:
1 interview for a teaching preschool job.
1 offer for a teaching preschool job.
Not enough money.
I say no.  Boo.  I LUUUURVE preschool, but, I'm trying to get OUT of debt.

Freak OUT!

Real lifers know.
I know you know.
My personality can, in two words, be described as, a lot.
I'm on - a lot.
I'm happy - a lot.
I'm loving - a lot.

If you're not a fan of a lot, like a lot of people, it's TOO MUCH.
That's alright.
I adjust.
I can tone it down.

I know you know :)

That's how I start a lot of my conversations lately.
"I know you know…I have no money…"
"I know you know…it's all my fault…"
"I know you know…I'm not doing so well…"

Okay, glummy glummininny.
You have an interview tomorrow.
For your dream job.
A job.

Moonlit Walks and Crazy Talk

This has been such a crazy, amazeballs, rewarding, love filled week.

He is such a miracle worker.
I had no idea while I was sitting in NE at a Wedding he was working in her heart, thousands of miles away.  Planting the seeds that would grow into an idea, that would warm her heart to the idea that her two daughters could be sisters together, apart from her, but together.  They could provide a home for her unlike what she was able.

Check it…dun.dun.dun.dun…Wreath Time.

I know.
I already made me one.
I know.
I have negative monies to be making one.
I know.


Hey, Negative Nancy Pants:

Pull up your britches.
It's going to get better.

Love, Rena
P.S. Stop writing Posts late at night.  Apparently you wear whiney pajama pants.

Biggest Fear

Want to know an adopted child's biggest FEAR?
That we disappoint our biological family or our adoptive one.

Fear of failure.

I can remember a time growing up when a B+ on a spelling test sent me into a tail spin. {'member 4th grade, sobbing in the girls bathroom, only to be rescued by my surrogate Dad, Mr M. and cajoled into coming back to class}
My lack of friends in HS was oppressive failure.
I had to look right, test well, achieve high.
Be everything my biological family gave me up to be and everything my adoptive hope to adopt.

Failure sits in my chest as big a mountain.
On the one hand, my biological mother finding me on Facebook, a continent away, has been the biggest miracle of my life.

On the other, it has stirred up an intense desire to do well by her.
To make her INCREDIBLE sacrifice worth it.
The years of depression she suffered after giving my sister and I up worth something.

My adoptive family and their closeted neurotic tendencies have also added in that intense desire to do well.  They didn't and don't have a lot either, and I was to be the one to do more.

And for a while I was, right?
Full Scholarship to UMASS.
Great grades.
Deans lists.
9 month M.Ed.
Cum Laude and Summa Cum Laude.
College Admissions.
Making money.

And then.
In two years,
I lost it all.

It started with the ending of my 12 year relationship with the Accountant.
He was cheating OR I had allowed myself to be cheated on.
Let go the dream.

Then, I had this desire to return to the classroom.
Like, somehow, I was really meant to teach.
Truth be told.
I wasn't.
I was bullied by my principal.
So I left.
I was neglected by my next principal.
So I left.

I went back to the ballet.
And that saved my emotional life.

My financial life.
That's another story.
While I was busy working hard to achieve, I stopped caring about money and pieces of paper a long time ago.
My desire was to give back with everything I had to offer.
Til I had nothing left.
I gave back more than I had.
Then the creditors started to call.
A lot.
And send me lots of mail.
When I melted down.
And do I mean…MELTED down.

I now owe $18,000 IMMEDIATELY to my graduate school loan.
That's funny.
I also owe my bank some money.
And then that's it.

I didn't apply for unemployment because it felt like admitting I'm a failure.
My head was SPINNING.
I took a shower this afternoon to wash away some of the tears while LBD napped.
And I wept.
Wept like I got paid $30 an hour to do it.

Because of the Father, I know it will get better.
I believe his plan often includes derailment to better see your purpose.
There are times that the task or road ahead feel insurmountable.
I know, nothing is insurmountable.
There is no mountain we can not climb.
No river we can not cross.
No debt we can not repay with Him on our side.
And He heals my heart every day. 
Those seeds of failure.
And disappoint that have planted themselves inside me.
He's weeding those as we speak.
Because we can, because He did.

Adopted child's biggest fear?

Quick Makeover and Pitfalls

I started this morning by stepping on this gem.  
Serves me right for sleeping on the Bertram's couch to watch TV at night.

But even a little holier, LBF and I got our craft on, turning this:
weekly calendar I made with fabric and a $10 frame, into something more seasonally appropriate with $1.99 wrapping paper from TJ Maxx.
{In transition}

{Finished Project}


LBF and I are off to the bank {since there is no money in my account, I thought I'd go have a chat with them about current circumstances}
and then the…ehem…
Unemployment office.

For 5 months, I've known the right job was right around the corner.
For 5 months, I've not wanted to try and collect because, there are people that REALLY needed it.
For 5 months, I could get by.
For 5 months, I was in denial about how bad it was.

Then the bank called and said my money was gone, bills needed to get paid and reality smacked in the face.

That $4 from November, that was a luxury I can not afford.

I'll be okay, you'll be okay, he, she, we, will be okay.
Because, I refuse to think otherwise.


Legos and 2 Nuggets

In real life friends, you know the Bertrams are off to Ecuador to pick up toddler Emerson Jayne to complete their little family.

But did you know Auntie Rena has accepted the title of sole caretaker to TWO munchkins while their parents and baby Ellie are traveling?!

I've been up to my stockings in BOY town.

LMG has been teaching me EVERYTHING I need to know.
LBF has been making me crack up, about every 2 seconds.

I've stepped on 100 Legos.
Nuked 20 chicken nuggets.
Made Mac and Cheese, from a box, Auntie Annie's.
Read aloud for a couple of HOURS.
Watched ONE movie, twice…thank god I LOVE the Letter Factory.
Gone grocery shopping.
Made a welcome home banner.
Crafted something for toddler Emerson's new digs.
Cried when LBF couldn't sleep because he LOVES his parents so much.

Seriously, try to not cry when a four year old, in a little four year old voice, and so much ernest your heart breaks, tells you he doesn't know why he's crying, but he loves his mom and dad and baby Ellie.
Little Buddy Frank.
You're too much.

Of course, Little Man George is a little man of the house.
This morning when I was driving him to school, he was telling me everything I HAD to do with LBF.
"And if that does't work, just let him cry it out, because sometimes that's all he needs."
Me: Okay, thanks, LMG.
"And, there are stickers under the box in the kitchen, but DON'T give him any batman or spiderman stickers."
Me: Got it, no spider man.
"Or batman."
Me: Right.
"Do you think you'll be good?"
Me: I hope so, LMG, I hope so.
"Me too."

Bahahaha.  Kidlets.
Up to my eyeballs in laughter and love.

Blog update

I think I did it.

Well, nymFont had the free template on her site.
Check it, she's incredible.

I LOVE LOVE LOVED the date and comment balloons on the side.

And the background with the map actually kinda works.

No more big changes to the template for awhile.

Awhile is open ended, right?

Almost Lost It All

Tried to upload new template.

Lesson learned, be happy with what you got.
I am.

Tomorrow I'll reveal what happened to those christmas balls.
You're going to L.O.V.E it.

:) x 6 = Bertram Big Family News.

Jayne, I died.
I think I sat dumbfounded at the NE airport for like, ever.
I'm a deep faith kinda gal.
I believe that even as everything feels like it's unraveling, someone has it all together, a plan.

That being said.
Toddler Emerson will be welcomed with a kind of love she's only imagined.
Emerson Jayne, it's like she's been a part of your beautiful family since day #1.
And, I can assure you that, as an adoptee @ age 2…she'll know you as mom and Mr. Bertram as Dad.

Legitimately, I can't talk about it without either crying or screaming with excitement.

I think the only person who is possibly more excited than us, is LMG.
Who questioned me today like it was going out of style.
Favorite questions?:
"Do you remember when you were a baby?" 
Me: Nope
"Do you remember when you were 2?"
Me: Not really.
"Do you remember when you were a tween?"
Me: Hysterical Laughter.

"Do you think Emerson will know I'm her brother?"
Me: Absolutely.
Me: Um….she'll just know.
"If you don't know, just say that, that you don't know."
Me: Okay.

"Do you think Emerson likes corn?"
Me: Probably?  Do you like corn?
"Um, on the grill, only."
Me:  That's probably how she'll like it too.
"She can't touch the grill, she's too little, though."
Me: Got it.

Home Again, Home Again :)

Beautiful Weddings make me almost consider having a wedding.
Poor, poor Mr. B had an earful about my beliefs this weekend.
He's a good sport.
I think fan fair-i-cal weddings are more a show for the bride and groom to say "Look at us, we really love each other, LOOK!"
Versus, what?  Just really loving each other!?
Ya' know?
Weddings don't need white ball gowns, expensive gifts or even dance floors…though, I'm not knocking dance floors.
But if two people love each other, I mean, unconditionally, ABUNDANTLY, love each other, I don't think a wedding is necessary.

See, I told you, Mr. B put up with a lot.
NOT to mention my OCD-ism around flying on a plane and staying in a hotel.
You thought preparing outfits, photographing them, heat washing and drying them, and putting them in sealed bags was bad!?

I'd tell you everything I do, but you'd have me committed.

When I fly, I put my carry on inside a sealed plastic bag.  
When we arrive to our new destination, I take it out of the bag and throw that bag away.
When I stay at hotels, I sleep on the tile, bathroom floor.


If you've never experienced {bedbugs}, don't judge.
If you have, judge me openly.

*Sidebar on new header: I finally like…no….REALLY like my header, it doesn't incorporate the map that I've been holding onto for so long, but, it works.  That being said, I will be changing it up a bit to fit the holiday{s}, so bear with, the design will stay the same.
Want that paper and goodies used in my holiday header?
^Go "like" 'em on facbeook, get that kit FREE and fall in love with everything they offer!

Stand Together Support

Quick Post.
Two new buttons.
Check 'em.

Get your number{s} at Stand Together
Make Christmas Count for little Xander over at Life Rearranged

Check out what Mal ordered for her Winter Wonderland Wedding?!
You sure know how to make New Englanders feel WELCOME! :)

Nebraska Weddings and Clickable Question

My DEAR, DEAR, DARLING, friend Mal is getting married.
In Nebraska.
Where she is from.
Mr B. and I are headed to Omaha.
From Massachusetts.
Where we are from.

Did I mention Mal is a Dear friend?
We're Boston Ballet Pals.
I believe we met 4 years ago.  5?

The friends I make at the Ballet every summer are INCREDIBLE.
Some I see once a year when they fly up from Texas {Medical School} to have dinner with me {and their other MA friends}.
Some I talk to EVERY day about their lives in Illinois {Chicago}.
Some I talk to EVERY month about their lives in Ohio {Graduate School}.
Some I email daily to hear all about Boston.
Some call me and SAVE my life every time they do.
They're built in cheerleaders and best friends.
Sure, we were co-workers first, but now, now we're best friends.

While I was patiently waiting for Mr. B to finish packing his "carry on" with my pre washed and pre sealed outfits, he commented on my odd MacBooking way I'd trained my fingers to work.

Ignore the chipping polish, I packed my matching outfit color for tomorrow. :)
I didn't really notice I was using the pad that way.
Weird, huh?

See you in Omaha.

Pinterest Challenge #13 - DIY Holiday Ornaments

Getting in the holly jolly spirit, yet?
LMG and I had a blast turning some old, crackly bulbs into - well - what they're becoming is another post, but this the story about how we got clear bulbs from these beauts below.
Pour a little BLEACH into the bulb, cap with your finger, and GENTLY shake, shake, shake; shake, shake, shake; shake your booty, shake your....I know...
The outside coating came off after soaking in water.  
Once cleaned, set to dry in an egg carton.
Price for 25
That feels good.
You could CHOOSE any color.
We used what I had left from the Summer.
Pour about a tablespoon worth into the bulb and SHAKE, SHAKE, SHAKE!
Place again in the egg carton to let them drip out excess paint and dry.
I also have to make Pink which LMG emphatically announced...he would not like pink :).
Check back tomorrow and see what we turned those bulbs into. :)

Pinterest Challenge #12 - Ruffled Tree Skirt

Did you guess what yesterday's sneak peek was?
A NO Sew Tree Skirt!  
They're ALL OVER pinterest and GORGEOUS.
Mine took three hours to make.
60 mini sticks of hot glue.
4 yards of fabric of choice.
Dollar Tree Dollar tree skirt as base.

I cut my strip two inches thick as the tutorials recommend.  
Then started gluing on the ruffle.
Here we are on our way
{When I ran out of fabric} :)
My fabric was a linen-y type gray and white stripe. 
$1.50 a YARD from Le Wal Mart!
That's right for 6 bucks for THIS!

When I got to the top, or the end, I was not so happy with the finished result, so I came up with something to finish the ends.
Taking a 2 inch strip of fabric, I sprayed on glue, and folded the edges over.
I then just whipped stitched it on at the top for a more finished look.  SEW SIMPLE.
Since the dollar tree skirt has velcro already, I just made some fabric flowers with my leftover fabric and put those over the velro spot.
This very afternoon LMG and I went to town at my Mom's House.

 I love LOVE LOVE!
Happy Holidays!

Inspired, want to make one....Mustard Seed Interior TUTORIAL!

Sneak Peek...

I hope to finish this project today.
Between needing MORE fabric and HOT GLUE's taken two days.
Can you guess what this awesome fabric will become?

Pinterst Challenge #11 - Holiday Card Holder

I pinned a ton of these totally awesome holiday card holders, on my December Board.
They are all fabulous.
#1 wasn't ornate enough.
#2 wasn't really practical in that once the cards were there, it loses the cuteness
#3 wasn't, well, I'm NOT Martha...
So I started at the Dollar Tree - 'member when I was broke?
I picked these wooden plaques and shadow boxes up to do a craft with my VA niece and nephew.  
They were only here for 24 hours and most of that we were catching up.  
The boxes had metal doodads on the top that were easy enough to remove with a tiny, TINY, screwdriver.

So, enter LMG and a holiday card craft.

Using "birdhouse" paint, brushes, crackle, and mode podge, we chose three base colors for the boxes.
The green and red were for one project, the white is for another.
We planned to use scrapbook paper in the middle, so you can forgo painting there.
Once dry, apply crackle, let dry and coat with top color, we chose gold.
Let dry and allow time for crackle work.  
Measure scrapbook paper, cut, and using adhesive spray, coat the back and stick inside.
Elmers or white glue will pucker and bubble, spray adhesive is the way to go.
Once dried, and papered, give a good coat of hodgepodge to the entire box.
While those were drying, LMG and I decorated our plaques.  Let them drive, use a sharpie to add details, and modge podge.  I really like the look of this holder...just not the size...too small.  
Because I was a on a budget and those clips were #2.88 for TWO, I bought a whole box of mini clips.
Using our boxes, we hot glues clips around the box and one INSIDE each box. 
Hot glue ribbon onto all your pieces, hang and enjoy!
For under $5.00 you get a hanger that not only holds, but displays your cards.
LMG was out of his MIND between painting and HOT GLUING....I'm in that boys good graces :)