Little Man George...OMG.

 Jayne <--- See you tomorrow for walking club & church! :)

Little Man George, you FILL ME UP BUTTER CUP.
Little Man George, am I your babysitter or Miss Aibileen?  BAHAHAHAH.  LUUURRRVE.
Little Man George, you are so spectel to me too!  You are my friend.
I needed a little joy rising :)

Feel it!

J. Edgar

Mr. B and I were all gun ho to see this film.
We attended a BBQ/Bonfire and bros won out before gals.
Our crew can throw a mean bonfire, specifically on a cool New England night with what is left of our tree to burn.
I wasn't that offended, Mr. B. :)

I called my pinch hitter, my biological sister Jay, who we don't speak about very much on ye' old blog.
Not yet, at least.

She was game and away we went.
Do you know J. Edgar?
I didn't really know anything about his story until I read this about the film: 
"When considering that, it’s ironic that Hoover abused his powers to keep in check speculation about his sexuality.  Much is made of his close relationship with associate FBI director Clyde Tolson (played in the film Armie Hammer, who portrayed the Winkelvii from The Social Network, with tremendous skill), though little is actually known about it."
I cried when he and Tolson got in a heated fight over their true feelings, leading to a poignant, albeit refuted shared kiss.  I shed a tear as Tolson walked away and said, "Don't ever talk about marrying a woman in front of  me again," and J. Edgar wails to not leave him alone, mouthing, "I love you." under his breath.
But perhaps the part that chilled me most was the fabulous Dame Judy Dench as his old valued mother who shows love through her firmness.
In the particular scene where I lost it - J.Edgar is having trouble with his stutter as he stands in the mirror to practice his speed talking, he is trying to tell his mother that he doesn't like to dance, specifically, he doesn't like to dance with girls.
She has him recall a school boy, called Daffy.  Short for Daffodil.  Who was given his nickname due to unfortunate circumstances where he was caught wearing his mother's hoop and bonnet.  He was shamed and a few weeks later committed suicide.
Dame Judy {Mother Hoover} replies, "Edgar, I'd rather have a dead son, than a daffodil."
And then she teaches him to dance.
I was profoundly moved by the character piece of living a life that is never truly lived while keeping the appearance of someone who has it together, maybe not all together, as he never married and employed some questionable work related any cost really being one that stands out.
Having a mother as far in the closet as you can possibly be, I watched as J. Edgar took the seat next to her in the closet and then quietly shut the door.
The scene of the unrequited lovers at J.Edgar's death was enough to require three tissues.
Brilliant film.

Also - shout out the Naomi Watts, as J. Edgar's personal secretary, who endures a silly first date and years of a budding friendship only to have J.Edgar's back when he needed most.

Oprah's LifeClass Finale #25 - You have the POWER!

Oh hey!
I have some catching up to do, don't I?
A lot. :)
About a week and a half of Lifeclass and two days of the happy project.
I'll get there this weekend.

I was blindsided by a stomach bug that laid me up for 2 days.  So.
I'm ending a long two days by sitting down with Oprah for her final night of Lifeclass: Semester One.

George, Frank, and Ellie's mom texted me that she wanted an update AND was worried that I hadn't posted, and was worried that not having George for the afternoon {happy veteran's day} had made me sad :).  Hi Janey! :) <---shout out sistah' friend!

It did - but not that sad. :)
I'm just a little under the weather.
Nothing like OPRAH's FINAL LIFECLASS to build me up buttercup!
I hope you made it to class at least once.  Just once - would change your life.
Tonight's last episode was all about having the power.
YOU have, have always had, will continue to have THE POWER to make your life what you want.
You know that scene in The Wizard of Oz?
Where Dorothy learns that from Glinda?
Glinda is like Dorothy's Oprah.

Dorothy is a good example too.  Sometimes, it takes us time to realize that we in fact have the power.  I've been blessed with friends who have come that realization at all different points in their life.  I'm about to out some of them and their power - so - hopefully no one is totally offended.

Probably the best guy friend I've ever had realized he had that power when he left our office, moved to CA and came out.  POWERFUL.
Another of my gay husbands realized his POWER by never being afraid to travel to find your passion.
My best HS friend - and one of the few friends I had by my senior year realized she had the power by checking into rehab.
Another girl I knew in high school realized she had the power when her baby born at 17 was not the sole purpose of her life and she could do and be more...then was.

Their individual struggle to realize that power they carry in their own lives is something I've always admired.  

I'm proud to add my own story this year of realizing that I MATTER and I will not allow a bad principal or negligent boss to define me.  I have the power to find a job I love and do that in a place where people appreciate my gifts.  Phew.  What a power.

This was also a resonating theme at the life class webcast - Are you carrying ANGER or are you carrying hurt?  It goes back to the episode where we were talking about opening up the wound and pulling out all those painful pieces and making yourself deal with them.  It can be ugly and hard, but the reward is FAR FAR FAR greater.

*Give up the hope that the past could have been any different. <---Amen sister and brother friends.  Amen.  It's a hard lesson, but one that once lived, allows you to let go, and let god.

*Keep moving forward. <---Thank Walt Disney.  These words continue to console me.

Someone also asked how to feel joy when the other negative things are going wrong in your life.  Know what Iyanla said...and I LOVED....I SCOOPED IT UP?
And...YOU ARE ENOUGH.  Iyanla wants you to know that...Oprah wants you to know that.  I want you to know that.

Mr. B and I are going to see J. Edgar tomorrow and I also plan to craft.

Hey Jayne - Thanks for reading :)  You're a doll.

the Happy Day Project! Day #3

Mr. B is usually the first to read my posts.
He thought I sounded angry yesterday.
Sorry, Mr. B.
I wasn't really angry.
Just frustrated. 
And I didn't get to post about the Happy Project, so I'll make up for my grump grumpaninnies from yesterday with your update today :)

Day #2 - Handwritten Note {finished}

I posted on the actual day two that LMG and I spent the day creating cards.  I even made Wren a hand made envelope.  Sure it's lopsided, but that's where you find the love.
 Hope Wren loves Le Target Boutique as much as we do up here.
Day #3 - Gift card to the homeless:
I had to drive up to Amherst - about 40 minutes away - to complete this part of the assignment
Every body runs on Dunkin' around here.  So I picked up my $10 gift card, LMG, and an Iced Apple Cider because it's been so nice around here lately and we headed up.

Little Man George and I had some good dialogue in the car about Nana Ruth and her fall.  That kid has a heart the size of the universe.

I then started telling him about who we were going to try and find: Motown Benny.
You usually start to see him, his cape, and bucket around Christmas Time.
I always give to that man.  His heart is pretty big too.
"Pretty young lady," he'll say as I put a ten in his bucket, "pretty, pretty, nice young lady, you have a good day now."
And while he uses that money he makes to support others in worse situations, I keep thinking I need to do more.
It's when you have nothing that you can appreciate what you still can DO for others.

Motown Benny wasn't out today.
So LMG and I picked up Wren's gift card and headed back to my sweet spot.
Guillermo was there.  He's in his mid 20's.  From the Dominica.  Works hard every day.
Just doesn't have a home.
We bought him a coffee and gave him the card.
LMG gave him a high five and an LMG smile that could bring the dead back to life.
I gave him a hug and told him to read the card.
It's something Jeannett said over on Life Rearranged and it really resonated with me.
I wrote it in Wren's card and gave it to Guillermo.

"The world is small.  We're in it together."

I'll get LMG in a couple of hours and we'll commence operations give a book to a friend. :)
Determined to make today happy.

ADT Life Alert

This is day two of the not a good day/happy day project.
Thank god for the Happy Day project as this week has been really down otherwise.

My morning started with a phone call from ADT Life Alert system.  I was just getting up when the phone rang, and less than 100 feet away on the floor in her kitchen, my grandma had fallen.  My amazingly awesome 89 year old Nana Ruth.

I stayed as calm as humanly possible and ran/flew downstairs, across the back deck and into her kitchen.

Where - please note this is graphic - I found her in a pool of blood.

I was physically shaking, but I kept as outwardly calm as possible.

She was telling me that she was fine, but I could tell it was worse than she knew.
She's not a heavy woman by any means, she's a tall one though.
I just can't lift her on my own because she can't support herself at all.
I knew ADT had sent an ambulance and I sat down with her and brought some tissues and stroked her forehead the way she always did mine.
I told her she'd be okay.
I told her she wasn't allowed to vacuum, and that she KNOWS that.
I told her not to worry about us.

It was cute watching her stay strong for me, I could tell she just wanted to cry, but she never did.
I'm used of emergencies and hospital runs from my job with the ballet.
Every summer I make at least 6-10 trips to the ER or the Dr's with everything from ingrown toenails to ruptured appendix.
I've learned to keep perspective for myself and others.
It's easy when you're at children's hospital in Boston.
I brought a girl once with a pin stuck in her toe.
After her surgery, she was waking up and there was a baby...A BABY who just had brain surgery.
I told her to look at him and know she was going to be okay.  Reality.

My Nana hit her face on the floor and poked herself with her glasses creating a huge gash on her eye brow.  She looked like she'd been in a bar fight.

I sat with her just a few seconds until the EMT's arrive and got her into the chair and then into the ambulance.

I put some clothes on and headed out to the ER.
They ice packed her there and sent her off to urgent care for stitches and a CT.

The CT revealed she broke two bones, one in her nose and one in her face.  The facial bone could cause permanent eye damage so we were sent to see a Facial Surgeon who said her swelling was too bad to make a definitive decision about the eye.  We go back Friday to have him see her again.  We go to urgent care on Monday to have her stitches out.

She's a trooper and I love her to the Moon and back.

My mother, on the other hand.  GRRR.
She's 64 and my mother and I will honor what Iyanla says about never calling your parents crazy because you have to honor that you chose them - even if your adopted.
Instead I'll say my mother is crazy a narcissistic, neurotic, mood swinging, angry, closeted lesbian.
Today, I almost called her a bewitched.
I don't know how many of my Nana's Dr's she told about her own knee surgery.  NO one cared.
I don't think she handles stress well at all.  Or ever.
Basically, she's useless, 97% of the time.

Psychologically speaking, it's why I read so many family blogs.
I live a little vicariously through them.
I envision how happy their families are and non-exsistant mine is.
I read them to remind myself that someday I'll have a family of my own.
After my mother is gone.
That's harsh, I know, but when the Accountant and I were dating and engaged, I never wanted kids because I didn't want to subject them to either of our parental units.

Wow, that's a little cathartic and really off track, I'll blog later tonight about day #3 and Wren.

The Happy Project Day #2

Oh Happy Day Project!

Day #2 was much more mellow.  See Day #1 for why :).
And started off on a happier NOTE.
The Printable from HopeInk was TOO cute to pass up. 
Check it :) ---> hope ink printable

You should also check out and link up with Joy's Hope & Life Rearranged for the Happy Day Project.

I printed out some cards for myself and for LMG.
Little Man George is pretty stoked that he gets to hang with me after school DURING the HAPPY DAY project.  Today, he got involved too.  He made a card for his mom and dad,  but not his brother LBF because "he's not going to like a love card". :)  BAHAHAHA.  His seven year old scrunched face was enough to make me burst into laughter for 10 minutes.  "Gross."

Supplies: Paint Chip Strip, scraps, Bedazzled scissors, glue
 We cut out the cards first.
 Using some scrap card stock we made an inside of the card.
 For Nana.  89 is the new Awesome.  I taught LMG to tell her that.  She can't get enough.
 I wish I could tell you this is mine.  It's not, that's LMG with scraps and glue.  Seriously.
That kid has the best ideas.
 He was also my designer for Wren's card.
Here's the inside of Wren's card.  Can't wait to put a gift card in that tomorrow :).
I almost didn't make it through reading about Wren without crying.  Then LMG and I working together and I had an even harder time keeping it together.

LMG says, "I want to write 'I love you like on a day when I am so thirsty', how do you spell thirsty."  I.  Died.  I squished him so hard and told him he has a heart the size of the world.  He laughed at me like I was nuts.

Later, when we were working on his card for his dad, he asked, "I would write, You are the strongest dad I know.  Like he could hold the whole world and never ever get tired, right?"  I.  Died.  And cried a little bit because LMG is probably one of the sweetest 7 year olds I know.  
Strongest Dad?!  
Child.  Child.  Child.

We also left some candy and note for our postal worker in the Mailbox, it seemed appropriate.

Tomorrow we're giving a gift card to the homeless.  And I, of course, know just who that's going to be.  It will require a trip to Amherst, but nothing could make me happier.

Oh happy day to you, too :)

the HAPPY DAY project day #1

Today's project - saved a very bad, no good, terrible, horrible, very bad day and made it WONDERFUL!

I had planned to make some cake balls for our neighbors.

I also had to pick up LMG and take him shopping with me after school.

Love that child.


I picked him up, and immediately got honked at and then given the finger off this little suburban side street.  It made me feel sad.

"Someone should tell her, " LMG said, "That there are babies without food."  

He melts my heart.  Kids hear EVERYTHING.

Then, while we were shopping in WalMart, there was some really angry people waiting with us at returns.  LMG even held my hand, that's how rude they were.

So far - it was not a very happy day - happened.

LMG and I were making our way into the store from Customer Service and I saw an elderly lady being told her card was declined.

She didn't know how that could have happened and she needed the food.

IF you read this blog you know I'm unemployed, in debt, and have about $200 to pay bills and live off, while debt collectors hunt me down.

But I had $38.00 from that return.  I only needed about 5 of that to make cake balls so I hustled LMG and I over to the lady, presented my debit card and asked if I could pay.

She started to cry and the only thing I could think to do was hug her.

I whispered to pass it on and hustled into the store.

Doing good can be overwhelming.

We got our goods and headed to the checkout.  The lady behind me had 1 jar of pickles and batteries.
"Let me add hers too."  The woman stared at me.  

Have a good day.  LMG and I left feeling better about the day.

We were headed home on the Mass Pike and passed our now new friend, Kristy with a flat tire.
I can change those and am pretty good.
Like under 20 minutes good.

We'd had such a rough start to the day - I slowed, pulled over and got LMG out of the car.  We walked down to Kristy, asked if we could help and commenced tire changing.  LMG was out of his mind excited.  I on the other hand was scared beep less, as he stood FAR from the side of the road and watched from the grass.

I'd like to say I was fast, but I had trouble with the jack and ONE tire bolt...still 30 minutes later, Kristy was good to go.

She wanted my name and address.  

I wanted her to have a happy day. :)

LMG and I got home and commenced cake ball making.
I may or may not have forgotten that they moved Halloween to tonight because of the power outage - oops.
That's okay.

We had candy.
We had cake balls.
We had the adorable printable from the HAPPY DAY project.
We were good.

My 89-year old Nana lives next door so we made Chocolate Cake balls because those are her favorites.
When I asked her if they came out alright - she replied - "I love 'em, better than cake."  'Nuff said.

We also made some for Bill and Doreen who live next to my Nana and love her just as much as us.  They cook for her and deliver baked goodness ALL the time.  Doreen and Bill are the once in a lifetime neighbors.  You know the kind - who come over when your mother has knee surgery and cut up Nana's pills and take care of the yard and trim the trees - just because they're neighbors.  During the power outage they brought Nana breakfast EVERY DAY with warm food and hot coffee.  Seroiusly?!  I live in THAT neighborhood.  I enjoyed sharing with them.

And we also made some for our neighbors, Chris and Lauren.  They are a 20-something Jehovahs Witness couple who moved to MA from NJ.  I know Jehovah's don't celebrate anything except wedding anniversaries and they had their light off tonight for Halloween, but I happened to catch them right as they were eating supper, in the dark.  I knocked and they looked at me like - um- we don't have candy and why are you trick or treating.  I got away with leaving my goodness by telling them they  were receiving a random act of kindness.  They walked their dog, Oscar, over later tonight to tell me thank you.

No ya'll, thank you.  You let us pile up massive amounts of brush on your lawn after the snow storm.  You let my mother read your paper when ours isn't delivered.  You rock.
CAN NOT wait for Day #2 :).


Happy Day Project Planning and Super Soul Sunday

Rarely, if ever, do I pray for renewal...for myself. 
I've gone through a lot this year, a lot of "life junk", you know?
The kind of "life junk" that is not recyclable and I wish to just throw it all away.
The, "start over life junk".

That being said, my prayers for renewal are usually for others.
That they feel it.
That they share it.
That their hope spring anew.

This year I prayed for renewal in a friend's marriage, as their infertility brought them to the brink.
I mean - it broke my heart.

I prayed for renewal in a friend's marriage, as their indiscretions tore their family apart.

I prayed for renewal in my mother's life, that she might find the truth she so desperately searches for.

But renewal for myself?
That's always felt selfish.
Not a very authentic me.

Today however, after a trying week, I sat after morning service and my mind went a little blank, I took a 20 minute power nap, watched a little super soul sunday on OWN and started dinner with family and friends.  I also started wrapping my head around this HAPPY PROJECT and what this week will look like:

Sometime between cutting potatoes and looking for my note paper, I felt it.
An ease.
A comfort.
A breathe of fresh air.

He is mighty to save, and while I've been busy praying for so many around me, he saw my tiredness, my weariness.  My haggard heart.

And he filled me up.

My child, I heard, My child, sit and rest awhile.  
Sit and know you are loved.
Suddenly - I had the strength of 20 men.
And could cook a billion meals. :)

I am so ready for the coming days, ready to live in joy, celebrate and spread the love.


For Mary Love:

Hi!  :)
Here is your requested Coral print.
Love coral.
Love your name.
Adore you.
Joy Rising