New Tab: MtMM

I've been working on taking some of the Morsels that Move Me from Oprah's Lifeclass and creating a space to put those important lessons the I really want to remember and want to be able to go back and reread.

I'd eventually like to make large versions to be printed.

These will do for now.

Enjoy. :)

Oprah's Lifeclass #15 - Joy Rising! :)

{secret: FRIDAY'S are my favorite LIFE CLASS nights.  IF you don't normally watch or don't get OWN, get ONLINE and watch her webcast}

I HOPE you watched tonight.
I'm telling you, as ridiculous as this week has been, as ridiculous as my blog redo is.
I am so incredibly grateful and full of joy.

Friday is now me going to bed full.
FULL of joy.

Here we go with some morsels that move me {MtMM}:
Guilt is something wrong with what I've done.
Shame is something wrong with who I am.
Guilt and Shame are the most TOXIC emotions
YUP. :)

Every nail you hammer in your brother's hand, keeps you on the cross. -Paul Ferrini

When you are judging others, you are really pecking at yourself.
This was just AHAHAHAHAH!  AHAH moments abounding.
The Accountant's parents were nailed to a cross for YEARS.
Whilst, I was being nailed to a cross by them - I was also nailing myself.
Their discontentment with me affected me in so many parts of life.
In turn, my discontent with them ALSO affected so many parts of my life.
Never, will I ever, allow someones judgement of me CHANGE me, affect me.
I have offered forgiveness.
They've offered their version.
And that is now a part of our past.

You want to be right about how wrong they were.
You didn't deserve it.
If I could make it better, I would.
I can't, but you can.

Bless that bad stuff and let it go.
It WILL come back to you as a blessing.

Lord, how would you have me serve you?

One of the most damaging things people do is THINK for GOD.  Don't think for GOD."

and more JOY.

My JOY this week comes in the following forms:
  1. Homemade Fried Moozerella.
  2. LMG and after school care.
  3. Phone calls from Friends.
  4. Gingers in EVERY FORM.
  5. Job interviews.
  6. My MacbookAIR.
  7. My first pot roast.
  9. Giving Directions.
  10. Lunching with friends.

CAN you PROMISE me one thing, all my little blog readers, beloveds {IYANLA would}- TOMORROW:
Share the joy.
Small or BIG.
Share it.
And feel your own joy grow.

Updates and the Power of Prayer

It still rattles me sometimes that I have friends who do not share my faith.
Please don't misread this as wanting to get rid of them, or not loving them as strongly as I do, but sometimes, it rattles me.

When I was growing up, I was baptized at age 4 even though neither of my mothers was very religious.  My Fourth Mother, my Grandmother is filled with the father's love and she instilled that faith in me.

I really can't remember why, but I do know that the understanding of the power of prayer was one I had at a very young age.

To me - and not necessarily you or my friends, but to me, the power of prayer has always meant that God will hear  your request, he will always be with you, but the resolution of that prayer, request, or problem, may not be your wish.

I've never seen God as the tooth fairy.
He won't always leave you a millions dollars under your pillow when you can't pay your bills.
He won't always make people disappear who have hurt you.
He won't always take away your hurt or pain, or even less, especially if you have something to learn or something to teach or something to hear.

As a little girl, our Pastor told us to wake each morning and before we rolled out of bed, the moment after our eyes opened to invite God in.
Ask him to walk beside you.
In doing that, we found the small ways on a daily basis that he was with us.

I remember being in youth group and I had just met The Accountant.
I had lied to get to that party, about who I was, how old I was, and where I went to school.
I felt bad about the lying and I told the members of my youth group about it and The Accountant.

Oddly, I also felt like God had been beside me the whole time.
The Accountant became not just a boyfriend, but a best friend.
That was no accident.

He may not have been the best friend I had prayed for, or the acceptance I prayed about, but he was an answer, an 11 year answer and a very dear best friend.
When I was sick a year or so later, The Accountant was the first to recognize it, and the first to demand I get help.
Without realizing it, God had been with me, and answered my small prayer, not with the acceptance I had been searching for, but with another powerful antidote - love.

I have a dear gal pal who questioned me last night after reading my post about what would happen if my prayers went unanswered.
If these families were not able to adopt those children, or those mothers were not pregnant.

I assured her, as best I could that God would hear our prayers.
My prayer for their joy.
It may not come in the form we have visualized, but he will have heard the prayer and would bless them with joy.

She seemed skeptical.
Today, at lunch she asked.
I told her.
One family found out they were pregnant, for real.
That is a real joy rising moment

She sat with her mouth open.

The other family, I said a bit sadly, will not adopt those children.
And then she, just as I prayed to God to help her find joy, came back with this,
"But you never prayed they'd get those children, did you?"  I looked up at her, quizzically.
Her wording made me sound cruel.
"You prayed for their joy.  That their hearts be filled with it.  Contented."
"Right,"  I responded.
"And he heard that and will find a way for their hearts to be filled with it."
"That's what I believe."
"That's powerful prayer, alright."

Now, I don't think she'll start going to church or necessarily become a believer in the power of prayer, but I know she felt it.

The power of joy.

I Pray For Blessings...

Tomorrow brings renewal from the majesty.

I have some big prayers I'll be praying.
Will you be a prayer warrior with me?

We pray for fertility.
For redemption.
For seeing the soul and not the personality.
For looking at loss from a different perspective.

"What if your blessings come through raindrops?
What if your healing comes through tears?"

I pray for mercies in disguise for several families that are expecting some big new tomorrow and in the coming weeks.
I fill my heart with the joy I hope they soon feel.
I pray to take on any of their burden I can.

:)  Mostly, let's pray for joy to rain down upon them.

Oprah's Lifeclass #14 - Must Love Dogs :)

After tomorrow there is only one week of class left. 

Whatever will I blog about?

Just kidding.

Probably LMG.

He and I had cooking class today :)

We made fried MOOzerella.

That child makes me laugh like a child (LAC!) and I get to pick him up from school 4 days a week from now on :)

His mom was looking for someone who could fill that role.  She was telling me she would have to hire a college student.  I was like...ehem...I'm not working and I love that child.


There we were making mozzarella with marina and my very first pot roast in the crock.
Mr. Crock Pot is still my best friend and "secret" lover.
LMG was cracking me up by cracking up as we literally threw all our veggies into the pot.

"That's not how you cook it?  What is this gonna be, stone soup?"  And I would pay all my money in the world, which isn't that much, but still, I would pay it all, for you to be able to hear how he says, "STONE SOUP!"  His voice gets girly and adorable.

LMG: FREEZE.  Don't ever grow up, budster.
You're too much and not enough right now.
You are perfect just the way you are.
Per.  Fect.


Tonight's lesson was all about what we can learning from animals.

Unconditional love.

Miss Molly Del Pilar is my 6 year old teacup poodle.
I love every one of her 4 and 1/2 pounds and she, loves all of me.

She is fearless.

She embodies all the things I hope to share with my human friends.
She hung out in her crate all afternoon because LMG was over and that freaked her out.
She's so good.
And she may or may not have been rewarded with a bit of fried mozzarella care of LMG :)

I want to talk about the Nate Berkus piece during Katrina, but I am tired and that was very emotional.  I'll get back to it.

Looking forward to watching the joy rise tomorrow. :)

Blog Love :)

Who knew?
5:45am would figure out how to get a white background.
Way to go 5:45am.
1.5 hours of sleep would send me to and the 60's.
Righteous, 1.5 hours of sleep.

And while I can't sleep, and am headed out to buy a pot roast, potatoes, and carrots, after a shower to get rid of my funk...did you see that picture below?!


I am CONTENT with the new blog layout.
Obviously my pages need work.
I'll get on that later.


Interviews and belly aches

You would not believe the morning!

First and foremost, I think it's important to share that it's FALL in New England and we're excepting 1-3" of snow this evening.

Did I mention it's AUTUMN?
What the huh?

Anyways, for a gal who has an eternal love for all things fall, this snow is a little bit of a sad day.

Also, sad blog day.

I got everything the way I wanted could live with.

Then I started working on my testy blog because in truth, I really want a blank background, but everything else has to gel for that work.

Instead of working in my testy blog like I thought I was...I started deleting things from my actual blog.

It was 5:45am and I was ready to cry.

I'm not sleeping hours a night.
I'm nauseous.
Have headaches.
No appetite.
And no, unless I'm the immaculate conception, I'm not pregnant.

It's stress.
Which stresses me out because I'm trying my darndest to not let myself be stressed out.

I have the time and money to figure out what I want to do next.

But I keep getting called for interviews.

And that makes me nervous.

Will I have the willpower to turn down the next job because it's not what I really want?
Or, will I cave.

They called last night for a job I think I could survive for a little while.

It's a 45 minute commute.  Boo.
It's not my dream job.  Boo.
There's travel within the job.  Boo.  Boo.

And you know what Oprah and I are thinking?
I'm scared I won't be good enough.

It's true.
At least with teaching and my previous jobs, I KNEW I WAS GOOD.
Parents told me.
Peers told me.
Kids told me.

This is all new.
What if I'm not great or even good?

Even scarier, what if I'm miserable?
I know I could hand miserable after a year like I've had, I could.
I'm stronger now, the question is - do I want to?

We'll see.

Meanwhile, when those College Counseling jobs I dream about (during my 1.5 hours of rem sleep) open up, I'll be applying.
P.S: You wanna know what 1.5hours of sleep looks like at 5:45am after you delete your blog:
Yeah, I know, that ain't pretty.

...and the new blog layout :)

What a drama!?
I finally feel like it has a little reflection of me.
A little of me.
A little of the journey.
A little bit of the stitching yourself back together.
A little color, but not bright pink.
A font I enjoy.
A cohesiveness I enjoy.

I'm happy I got it together myself, I was just about to pay someone.
That's where my frustration was.

And if I'm being honest, that header still isn't where I want it.
I'd also like to thank the LOVELY ladies over at SHABBY BLOGS!
Saved me little blog's life.
Muchas gracias!

Oprah's Lifeclass #13: When People Show You Who They Are...

I had to run to class today.  Busy.  Busy.  Busy.  Bam.  Here it is:  When people show you or tell you who they really are...BELIEVE THEM!  My last two posts were long, and the understanding of her lessons was long.  This was just validating:

When the accountant and I started dating, he was a close to college drop out, party animal, who let his parents take care of him.

I fell for the man who would end up taking care of the sophomore in high school girl I was.

He was always ready for a good time.
Always ready to make me smile.

But, he was never hard working, and often felt lost.  He refused to stand up to his parents when they were just wrong.

When he finally figured out school was important he never handled stress well, and that came to a head on 4th of July weekend when he pushed me to the ground and slapped me across the face in front of our friends.

By that point we had dated for three years and I told myself that it wasn't typical behavior.

We dated for 8 years and then he proposed.
My whisper voice was there and said, NO.
This is not he man you want to marry.
This is not the family you want to be a part of.

Less than a year later he proposed again.
I said yes.
We were with friends, it was Thanksgiving and he HAD always been there.
But I knew I didn't want to.
I knew it the first time, I knew it the second time.

I knew it when his parents told him I wasn't right for him.
I knew it when he moved to Michigan and left me in Massachusetts.
I knew it when I talked to our friends.

He loved me more than I loved him.

And I was scared of change.
And I was scared of losing our mutual friends.
And I was scared of being alone.
And I was scared of being a failure.

So I stayed.
Until he pushed me away.
He dated someone else.
Not out of malice, just out of, "SEE ME" - his ego.

And for the first time, 11 years after our relationship started, I did.
I saw that sophomore in college with no drive, not determination, no ability to stand up to his parents, who didn't want children, and wanted someone to take care of him.

And I realized, that's who he had always been.  
That's who he always told me he was.

And I didn't want to see it, because that's not who I wanted to be with.
I didn't see it.
Until I did.

I packed up things and I went on my way.
A little more than 2 years later, we are "friends", godparents to his two BEAUTIFUL nieces, we can sit in the same room and chat, like chums.

The feelings and the drama feel like memories lived a lifetime ago.


You can't help but wonder who could have been if I hadn't been with him for so long.
Who would I be?

The minute people tell or show you who they are, believe them.

Or, as THE Ms. Iyanla Vanzant would say, "If you see crazy coming, CROSS THE STREET!"

Oprah's Lifeclass #12 - Letting go of the past...

Did you go to class tonight?
Did you bring your tissues?
I didn't know it was going to be so heavy, but it hit me, and the tears flowed.

Flowed right outta' me.

Ahh, a good exhale.

Tonight's show was all about letting go of the past, and she meant REALLY letting go.  
THE Ms. Iyanla Vanzant was quoted again: (prepare to wonder why you were late for's deep.)

"You can accept or reject the way you are treated by other people, but until you heal the wounds of your past, you will continue to bleed. You can bandage the bleeding with food, with alcohol, with drugs, with work, with cigarettes, with sex, but eventually, it will all ooze through and stain your life. You must find the strength to open the wounds, stick your hands inside, pull out the core of the pain that is holding you in your past, the memories, and make peace with them."  

This is such a painful understanding, and yet one that over the last couple of months, has really shown itself to be the only way for me to move forward.

While it's a gem, it's not why I cried.

They replayed a piece from 2000, or 2003, I believe.

A mother and father of one, pregnant with twins, deliver early two babies, 1lb and 2lbs each.
Spencer lives.
Ryan does not.
Ryan survives for a few days and dies in his mothers arms.

The father asked the spiritual guider how you move forward without forgetting and how you continue to live while moving forward, without getting stuck.

He explained, slowly, so slowly, I didn't realize I was crying yet, that it's a matter of perspective

You could choose to look at Ryan's death as a personality that died.


You could choose to look at a Ryan as a soul who CHOSE to come to you for a period of time and you were/are exponentially blessed by the visit of his soul.

And of course, for those of you real lifers, you know.  I immediately thought of her.
"We were sitting in Comm 430 and she was chewing gum.  I was talking about a tour.  She stared past me and I whispered to her again.  She apologized for zoning out and complained about her headache.  I had aspirin, but she declined saying she had taken some that morning.

Dr. Scharrer was asking a question and I looked at Lisa again.  Something was wrong, but I didn't know it then.  I could see it, but I didn't want to."

You  know the story ends with her diagnosis of a brain stem glioma, an inoperable brain tumor in May of our graduation year.  That photo was taken at graduation.  Less than a month after the memory.  She was already losing her sight, hearing, and had trouble walking on her own.

He unending spirit made it's occasional appearances, but I knew then, in a way I had never been aware, that she was dying.

And it didn't seem real.
Or fair.
Or possible.
That my idol, my dorm mate, my tour guide buddy, my communication guru, my lab partner, my friend would be leaving.
9 months later, at age 23, she was gone.

5 years later, it is as real and bleeding as possible.
That wound was open and I didn't even see it.
But I felt it in a lot of misdirection in life.
Choosing where I want to go next in life has been at a stand still because moving forward has felt like leaving her behind.


That's if I look at her a personality.
But I won't.
Not after tonight.

I see her as this INCREDIBLE soul.
That lived.
And lived and lived.
And taught me so very much in 4 short years.

She lived with a grace that I will embody as I continue to move forward.
And I will think about that soul every day who chose, for some strange reason to be my friend.
Even though I wasn't cool or popular, or even great friend material.
She chose to be a friend of mine.

That soul.
Has never been closer.

Oprah's Lifeclass #11 - Listening to the Whisper

Did you go to class last night?

Oprah had that shirt on that reminds me of the clearwater commercial.
Is that the name of the mom store?
You know the one I'm talking about.

Oprah makes it look good.Anyhoozle.
She was talking about listening to your whisper voice.  
That voice we all have that tells us something is a little hinky.

We all have it, and many of us don't listen until it's too late and we've met a brick wall head on.
It reminded me of being in 3rd grade.
{I hated 3rd grade - but that's a different post}
I was walking home from the bus stop.

My friend Justin with the rats tail, who I simply adored, walked with me part of the way.
I walked the rest of the way, through the fielded path, and onto my street, alone.
In retrospect, it wasn't very safe.
The 1/2 of the walk I did on my own, less than 1/2 a mile, was on a main road, high traffic.
Anyone, at anytime could have taken me.
But they never did.

It was May then, I think, right around the end of the school year.
Justin was moving and that's what I was thinking about as I walked home.
"Who would be my friend next year?"
I walked through the fielded path between houses and the wet land preserve with my head down, just being 8.
Just thinking.

I know.
I had that whisper.

If I had looked up long enough it would have whispered how odd it was that there was a car parked directly at the end of the path.
If I had looked up, I would have heard that whisper say, "Watch that older man getting out of that car."
If I had looked up, I would have heard that whisper say, "RUN!"
Unfortunately, I never looked up.
My ignoring of that whisper allowed that man to open his back passenger door and wait...

For an 8-year-old little girl to come walking out the end of the path.

It's two decades later and I often wonder if that man had followed me.
If he knew I came home alone, to an empty house.
That no one would miss me until another three hours passed.

I also wonder how loud that whisper was for my mother.
Who, but for the grace of god, had decided after 24 years, to quit her job in the middle of the day.
It was Friday.
She'd come to meet me and take her mind off of work.

She's told me in later years that her blood ran cold, and it was not a whisper, but sheer parental panic that told her this man and his car had no business at the end of the path.

In my childhood daze, I finally looked up as I heard my mother calling out to me...screaming.


I mistook it for excitement, but looking back, I can recognize it was terror.
I remember I smiled and started to run towards the end of the path and my mother.
I merely glimpsed the man slam his door shut, and run to his drivers seat and speed away.

"Didn't you see the man!" My mother exclaimed.
But I was 8, and I had seen the man, but only for a second.  
I had seen my mother, and while I had ignored my whisper.
She did not.
I have not doubt she saved me, from what, I'll never be sure.

In the days that followed, that same man, with the same car, and the same M.O, tried the same thing with several girls and neighbors on my bus route.

Because of my mother, I never walked home alone again.
And I learned to be diligent about listening to that whisper.
Do you listen to that hinky whisper before it's too late?  
Before you look back and wonder why you didn't?

It was a decade later that I found myself alone in Paris.
I traveled to stay with a friend who stood me up to go to Berlin.
So, I was alone.  

I was 18, on winter break from college, and I hadn't told my boyfriend or my parents that I was desperately out of money and had nowhere to stay.
Hahah, I didn't want to worry them.

When a kind Parisian man asked the time, I obliged and struck up a conversation.

My whisper started. 
No, no, you don't know this man, and he obviously didn't want the time.

But I was broke.
And he was kind.

So ignored my whisper.
We traveled the champs elysees together, chatting.
He invited me to dinner.
And I was broke.
And I was hungry.

My whisper got louder.
No, NO, you don't know where he's taking you or what his intentions are.

But it was still daylight.
And he was kind.
So ignored my whisper.

We had dinner and got to know one another.
That whisper was still there.
No, it said, this is not safe.

I didn't want to be rude {Oprah has also talked about how women can stay in awful situations because it's the polite thing to do - Oprah and I say - who CARES about polite? LISTEN}, and just leave, but I did take a moment to assess some escape routes as needed.  
There was bus stop right outside the door.  
Where it would take me, I didn't know, but I could always get on it.

He invited me to a movie.
That whisper...was yelling.
This is not safe.

I politely declined.
He insisted.

My whisper voice was now calling me names.

He insisted I go back to his place and have a glass of wine or coffee, because, after all, he bought me dinner.
I politely declined.

My whisper voice was out of control.
He took my wrist and insisted I go with him.

Suddenly, I was 8 again, and my mother was not at the end of that path.
I had let that man open his back door and invite right in.
My whisper voice came back strong.

I took the two euros I had left, unclenched my arm from his grasp and bolted shouting, "That's my bus, thanks for dinner!" {Still trying to be polite!?}

And boarded just as the doors closed safely behind me.

Now, Oprah would tell you, if I had listened to my whisper voice when he asked the time, I would have walked in the other direction and never started the conversation.
But - that's the point, in the beginning it was just a whisper, and how was I to know?

Listening to that whisper, learning how to listen to that whisper, it saved my life.

Bear with me :).

I am going through a blog crisis.


It's too much, and not enough right now, give me a little bit to work on it, and I PROM. MISE. I'll hit you up with a good Oprah post :).

"....and I couldn't find my bra!"

My morning started @ about 4:23am this morning when my cell phone rang.

It was my LMG's mom, FRANTIC, the kind of FRANTIC that makes you sit up in bed and panic.

Frankie, LMG's younger sibling had decided to bring his true life fantasy of being a paratrooper to reality and fell out of his new big boy bed.

Poor wee guy.

I was trying to feel coherent at 4:24am, but it was a struggle.

Frankie paratroopered into G.I. Joe or a transformer or something sharper, that stabbed him in the forehead.  {Sound familiar?}

A LOT of blood.

A lot of tears.

And a deep gash.

Boys toys are engender-dly {new word?} vicious, this was a whole new level.

She was hoping I could come and stay with LMG and Baby Ellie while she and the hubs took Frankie to the urgent care.

LMG AND ELLIE!  Woot, woot.

I'll be there....{slash it's 4:25, give me a few seconds}.

I woke Mr. Belding {Sunday IS technically a school night!  Get over it...} and told him the sitch'.

Back up to last night.
We went to dinner and had a bon fire with some dear friends of ours.
When we FINALLY got home, I threw my clothes in the corner, slipped on some PJ's and hopped into deep sleep town.

Back to the early AM, I'm frantically throwing my hair in a pony, pulling out my clothes from my bag and getting ready to head out.

When I realize, I can't find my bra.

I've had one or two of those crazy night where I can't find my...wallet, or my phone, but my bra...ehem.

I looked everywhere.
Under, over, everywhere.

Mr. Belding was giggly like a school girl.
Which wasn't helping.

What seemed like an embarrassingly long time was probably like 1 minute.
Stuffed inside my shirt, as if I took them off together...there she was.


Once I got my act together, I made it over.

Poor Frankie, he was a real trooper.
"Me got owie.  Dis big big big BIG owie."

I made LMG breakfast and got him dressed.
He talked me into pancakes, like he has them everyday :).

Miss Eleanor, who had absolutely no idea what was going on, was so flexible.
I fed her and she was so sweet.
Got LMG all dressed with bow tie and all and got him in the carpool pick up.
Ellie and I had about an hour to ourselves... ya, I know that's some urgent care.
She slept through most of it.
But I know she loved it! :)

Frankie and his parentals arrived complete with 2 rows of stitches!
We look like twins!
Me with my mammoth eyebrow and he with his egg and stitches.

What a day.
Oprah's life class update soon.
Listening to that inner whisper.  Ooooh :)

Oprah's Lifeclass #10 (My AHA! Moment)

THE Ms. Iyanla Vanzant graced the Lifeclass webcast and I couldn't have been more glued to the TV.

Have I told you all my thoughts about Iyanla?

Fier.  Ce.


She has a no-nonsense, loving, and fiery way of delivering the words you always needed to hear.

Last night, even though she didn't bring her scoop :), I was riveted by the interaction she helped facilitate between a mother and a daughter.

The daughter had shared about losing her virginiaty at 18, while drunk at a party.

She felt like a bad person and that EVERYONE perceived her as bad.

Iyanla asked her who in her life knew.

No one, but she felt like everyone was judging her.

She never came out and said it was her family or more specifically her mother, but I got that feeling early on.


Mothers have this INCREDIBLE power to lift us or let us go.

Sometimes when we get to our late teen years our mothers forget the importance of reminding us.

When we're little girls, they don't stop.

"Don't touch that or do this."
"Don't go there or play with that."
"Make sure you..."
And better,
"I love you.  I'm so proud of you.  You make mommy so happy."

When we're 18 and lost our virginity at a party or get in past curfew or drink too much, experiment with unhealthy choices, in my case - score our first B in personal finance...we're left waiting to hear it:

"In spire of it, in light of it, I LOVE YOU.  YOU MAKE ME PROUD.  You make me smile."

I kept waiting for that realization.

Inyanla asked for it:

"When," she asked, "is the last time you told you daughter you are so very proud of her."
The mother started, "Oh, she knows..." and everyone in the audience gasped and Iyanla interrupted,
"Okay, but when is the last time you TOLD her?  Tell her now."

She wept.
The daughter cried.

And I felt it for the daughter at the moment.

The moment you realize you are loved, loved unconditionally, loved without clause or concern, by your Holy Father.  He has never stopped, and he took a moment to remind you through your mother.

You matter, always.
You are loved.

Iyanla lost her beautiful daughter, Gemmia to cancer a few years ago.
Does that make you stop and think as much as it does me?
It's never too late until it is.
Mothers, remind your children how PROUD they make you.
Daughters, we'll do our best to make you so.

The Search for Wondla and Birthdays

Today my nephew, Nicholas, turned 9!

He's rocking out in 3rd grade in Virginia.

His older sister, Natalie (yes, making them Nick and Nat), had her birthday in August.
Ironman and Devil/Angel
She's in 6th grade and 12 is such a weird age.
I wasn't sure what to send.
I sent her a thumb drive engraved with her name, and a metal water bottle engraved with her name and peace signs.

Nicky, he's different.  I'm behind and his gift will be lucky to make it there for Halloween...still love you kiddo.

However, he's just getting books, well not just.

Remember never ending story?  "ATREYU!"  VALCORE!
"Bastian, SAY MY NAME!"

Sorry, a little off track, but I LOVED that book and movie when I was younger.
I really pride myself on my read aloud skills.
For my students they know my favorite author is ROALD DAHL, when I was little I wanted to BE him, except not racist and more available to children.

Fantastic Mr. Fox and Matilda were my LIFE.
But the BFG, the BFG is why I can do accents.

So, I'm sending him The BFG and Ralph S. Mouse, because Beverly Cleary...seriously?
BUT to make it special, I recorded my version of the BFG in MP3 and am sending him that to read along too.

Ello!  Me British and Irish accents is full bloom. <---apparently so is my pirate accent.


As for the title of this post, I'll spare you gushing about Tony DiTerlizzi.
Suffice it to say, ridiculous.
Ridiculously awesome.
Between the Spiderwick Chronicles, Spider and the Fly, Kenny and the Dragon, and my personal favorite: JIMMY ZANGWOW'S OUT OF THIS WORLD MOON PIE ADVENTURE...he's amazing.

We live in the same small town in Western, MA, and every time I leave my abode, I pray I never run into him.

{I had one brush with literary note, and I BLEW IT, BIG TIME.
J.M Coetzee is my South African novelist love.
Between him and Nadine Gordimer, the world is a better place.
He arrived at UMASS Amherst to give a reading from Elizabeth Costello, and I attended!
Did I mention it was less then a week after he won the NOBEL PRIZE for LITERATURE!
After, I wanted to say hi and THANK YOU and have him sign my book.
Script: "I haven't read all of your books yet, but every single one I've read, I've read multiple times and I get something new from every time, you're amazing, and such an asset to the literary world."  Yay.
Real Life: "Most of what I've read, I liked."
The last thing I remember before running back to my dorm was my friend, Emera, grabbing me by the arm and yanking me away from my own embarrasment.}

{That story also reminds me, I managed to make a fool of myself in front of HOLLIE HOBBIE of TOOT AND PUDDLE fame...I'm such a goof}

Hopefully, I never see Tony in real life.
Safer for my own humility to admire from afar :).
I'm 28 and I.  LOVE.  THIS.  STORY!

I'm getting Natalie her own copy for Christmas because I think the character of Eva 9 will be interesting to a 6th and 1/2 grader :).

Imagination is a crazy thing.

Kids need more of it.
Tony has capsulated it.
Read it.
Tell me you love it 1/2 as much as I do.
Tell me you want an Otto :).

And that Rovender Kitt is your hero.

For that matter, you can tell me you like the Bone Cruncher and the Fleshlumpeater, too. ;)