Is it weird?

That I think about fall more than spring as a time of renewal?

It may be the fall air.

The brilliant night sky.

The day of crafting golden guilded pumpkins.

Walking with the brisk air this evening.

Watching Patti Lupone

My nephew, Logan's, baptism on Saturday.

Most likely, sermon, from this morning:

Because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9

There is something about living through the difficult patch, the part that feels like a zillion hurdles, that makes the grass on the other side that much softer. 

My dear friend explained it through this Romans message: When we give it up to God, he not only holds us tighter, but he helps us to see the goodness.

It's that, "we're never alone" thing.  Right?

Fall Renewal.  Lurve it.

My faith is strong.  STRONG.  I feel it all around me all the time, and most of all in the prayers I pray for others.  For their healing, hope and faith to be faster, deeper, and stronger.  Renewal.  It's like: whoa.

I have a ton of pics on the mac to upload once that mac is internet ready.  Or, rather, the house is :).

No pics of Patti.
She is all about no cameras. 
We heard from the couple next top us that she walked off stage once because someone snapped a phone photo. 
Which made when she came out on stage for her 2nd ovation with a disposable camera even funnier.

She was good.

No Idina Menzel at the Boston Pops.

But good.

Next on the this Show Girls - Broadway, not the Jessie Spano version, List - Audra McDonald in NY at the end of the month.

Tomorrow I hope to finish my pumpkin, daily schedule, and get the room almost finsihed.  Oh wait, the room has been almost finished since...okay, I get it - home improvement is never ending.


Ending. :)

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