
I have something I need to get off my chest.
It's not right.
I had to tell Mr. Belding last night over dinner.
I had to tell him because it isn't fair for him to not know.

I've fallen in love.

I've fallen in love with someone that is not Mr. Belding.
It didn't happen overnight.
It started with the occasional dinner.
We'd hang out, have a delicious meal of some kind and I'd be really happy.
Then, it started to be almost every night.
The dinner was always good.
Before I knew it, it WAS every night.
Every delicious meal.
I found myself online trying to find new ways to hang out with him.
He was just what I needed and I didn't even know.

You want to know the biggest surprise of all.
Mr. Belding has given us his blessing.
He thinks we make a good team.
He thinks...

We make good food together.
So I get to keep seeing him.
Like tonight.
Where we'll make this together.
Isn't he cute?

(As an aside, I've had my crock for about 4 years.  The white model.  I LOVE LOVE LOVE being able to change the size - it comes in three, 2, 4, and 6 quart.  Especially if I'm making and taking my Buffalo Chicken Dip and I don't want a gigantic pot of it.  It's gotten bad reviews, but as long as you take care of him, he'll last.)

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