Oprah's Lifeclass #19 - Step Out of Your Box

Did you make it to class night?
I did.
And boy howdy, how I've missed it.
A lot.


Last night's episode was all about stepping out of your box, out of your comfort zone.

One woman said, and I loved, "If you want something you've never had, you've got to do something you've never done before."

The episode was very apropos, Oprah spent some time in colonial village in ME. 
With no heat.
No electricity.
No cold fridge.

I thought, my colonial village was our home for the last 6 days.

We, fortunately faired better than Oprah, who lasted less than two days. :)

Do you ever think about your box?

I'm sure you do.

I identified with the woman who said she felt her weight was her box, a little.  Or dieting rather.  That control can be torture to give up.

But I more identified with the box I had enslaved myself in career wise.

It was hard to see letting go of teaching for a long time.

LOOOOOOoooong time.

I have a masters in it.
My aunt and uncle are principals.
I was good at it.
Really good.
I love my kids
My families
Our family.


It became a comfort zone.
And sometimes, comfort zones can be dangerous.
Because you never try something new.
You never see beyond the limits you place on yourself.
Boston Ballet is proof that stepping outside of your comfort zone can lead you to something you love or cherish.
The night before my first summer with the ballet, 8 years ago now, I was going into my Senior Year at University.
I applied, interviewed in Boston, and got the job.
But the night before, after the car was packed to move me there...
I didn't want to go.
I couldn't see myself there for 6 weeks.
What if no one liked me?
Or I was bad at the job?
All those comfort zone questions creeped up.

The question tackled by Oprah last night was just that.
What IF you feel uncomfortable?
I mean, what if?!

You won't die.
Your life won't be over.
And, chances are good, that, like the Ballet, you'll only feel uncomfortable for a few moments, which will inevitably lead to feeling wonderful and new.

The Ballet wasn't always easy.
It wasn't.
There were days over the 8 years, especially early on, when my bags were packed.

But I found grace there, and friends like you couldn't believe.
Mentorship like...wait....what?!
It's been amazing.

Someplace I'd never found, without first stepping out of my comfort zone.
Get outta' yo' box.
Get outta' your zone.
Get outta' your head.
You're nothing but trouble....

I mean.
Sorry, channeling TLC's Dear Lie there for a minute.

But you know.
Sometimes YOU are the only thing holding you back.
What is the one thing that if it didn't worry you, or scare you, or people wouldn't judge you, or you weren't uncomfortable, you would do?
What's stopping you?
Well...you'll see. :)

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