Oprah's Lifeclass #16 - Following Your Gut

I'm going to tell you right now, sitting in the warmth of my Sistah's home for a few minutes, I want nothing more than to watch my Oprah.

Sadly, I can't get full episodes.
And, more over, I should really be telling you about the harrowing story of the last couple of days.
But I am tired.
And I'm stuck in an emotional wrecking ball of tiredness, moving forwardness, coldness, and perseverance that won't allow me to focus on that.

So instead, I headed to Oprah's Lifeclass to catch up a little.

Here's an MtMM if I ever heard one:
When you say No, and someone is trying to get you to change your mind, think why are they trying to control me:
"No." is a complete sentence.

The "Hmmm" is the warning sign.
The feeling itself is the warning sign.
Never allow them to move your somewhere else.

The two bolded sentences go hand in hand to the spring of 1996.
I was in the 6th grade.
I was home.
Now if you read my listening to your whisper post, you may be thinking, RENA, tell us you listen to your whisper voice here.

I did.  It wasn't so much of a whisper as it was Oprah's voice, loud and clear.  I had begun to watch her show religiously and not a month before was this episode about NEVER being moved from your location.  If they move you, they're going to kill you.

That was it.

I was out on the front lawn.
Looking back it's bizarre, because I lived in a heavily settled residential area with lots of neighbors and kids; but it was quiet.
And in a Kerri from Unforgettable way, I can visualize that BEAUTIFUL day, and look down either side of the street and across and no one was home.
No one was out.
My mother was working in the back yard, probably with her flowers or something, but I know she wasn't in earshot.
I can't tell you what I was doing exactly.
Jumping rope?  Wishing my friends were home?
I saw the ratty looking red car roll slowly down the street.
The driver and I made eye contact and I smiled.
The second circle around he slowed in front of my lawn, in front of me.
His passenger was a woman.
I remember her because she didn't talk.

OPRAH was screaming at me.
My whisper voice said TWO GIANT STEP BACK.

And I did.
Out loud, take two giant steps back.

"Do you know where Meadow Street is?" he questioned, so friendly.
"What?" I said.
"Come here, do you know where Meadow Street is?  We're lost."
In my mind, I'd grown up one street over from Meadow and knew exactly where it was.

I also knew it was on the other side of town and if you were lost on our side street of another side street, then you'd need more than directions to get there.
This was a ploy to get me over to the car.

"Let me get my mom, hang on." I said turning and running, full tilt to the back yard, screaming MOM at the top of lungs.

I heard him shout, "Oh no, you don't need to..."
But I already had.
My mother was annoyed with me, but she came around front anyway and talked to the man.

A few seconds later he drove away.

I stood beside my mom and asked her what he wanted.
Directions to town he'd told her.
He hadn't really listened to her, she said.
Weird she said.
Weird, I said.
I remember I told her about my Whisper Voice and Oprah's voice.
She didn't think it was anything like that.
Inside, I whispered to myself, "Because I didn't let it become anything like that."

It was empowering as a little girl to know that when something struck me as not right - I had the POWER to make it so.

I also realized at that moment that I have the opportunity early on.  If I listen to that voice early on, it can dissipate.

Do not allow the desire to be nice to override the tiny voice inside telling you something is not right.

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