Mother Nature's Mothering Part #1

*This part of the post as written on Saturday.  
SO much has changed.
It feels like a lifetime ago.
The power is still off, and the power company says maybe next Saturday. :(

So, second post is forthcoming. :)

And it snowed.


I woke late Saturday morning.

It had been a late evening and I had decided to gift myself a late sleep.

When I headed downstairs around 11, I found Mr. Belding was in the kitchen and snow was starting to cover the ground.

Remember how I love fall.


Autumnal air, smells, colors, nature, etc. etc.

And it SHOULD, in my mind still be Autumn.


I also LURRRRVE snow.


Call it a New England thing.

I wasn’t born and bread, but I was certainly bread with New England in my blood.

Snow in October sounds a little ridiculous.

I however, did a happy dance.

Mr. Belding was already on the phone with the city where his middle school is because there was a chance they’d use it as a shelter for the over 80,000 in our area without power.

Sadly, later in the day, Mr. B’s school was hit with some MAJOR tree damage. 
We got the call that the Cafetorium (Cafeteria and Auditorium) had been pretty much caved in by the trees on its side. 
Any part of the space not touched by the trees was quickly filling up with snow and would eventually sustain severe water damage.

Mr. B put on his Superman boxers and headed out in the already 14” of snow to go see what to do.
When he got home around 9pm tonight, he was really defeated.
The roads he said were pretty bad and the school was even worse.
He has to make a decision tomorrow with the Superintendent if they can structurally resume classes on Monday.

Budget wise, this mess is a nightmare.
They’ve cut back so much already.
I told him I’d come in and volunteer wherever needed.
Just hand me a hand saw and put me to work.
We’ve already had a few of his “highly involved” families…read FAVORITE families call and ask what they can do. 
A few of them will meet us over there tomorrow.

We’ll take prayer worriers that we can find the joy in the discomfort we’ll feel over the next couple of days.
Someone was killed by a downed power line.
So I found joy in being alive, being with family, and being relatively dry.

I got the call around 11:30 from LMG’s mom asking if I could save her life…hahaha, not really, but take Little Buddy Frank for 2 hours so she could drag herself, LMG, and Ellie out in the snow for a birthday party. (DID SOMEONE SAY CANCEL!  OYE!)

Anyway, it was a pottery party and LMG really wanted to go. 
It was smack in between Little Buddy Frank’s naptime and she couldn’t picture getting out alive with a 7-year-old high on sugar, a toddler, and an infant.
We put LBF down for a nap at Mr. B’s townhouse, which is legit maybe 10 minutes from the pottery place – perfect. 
He watched Charlie Brown for a second and slept like a champ.
I got ready to do some baking with him because Mr. B’s house isn’t really kid friendly.
When he got up I attempted baking with an almost 4 year old, which I was sure was not going to be ½ as fun as baking with LMG.
It was.
It was better.
LBF is just as adorable and talked up storm.
Had a MAJILLION questions about everything.
Even Miss Molly Del Pilar was smitten with this little one.
He couldn’t get over her Halloween costume.
“Dis is her christmas dress?”
“Gingy puppy.”
We read a few books and then LMG and Ellie and Mommy arrived.
He wanted to share our cookies so we put a bag together for them.
LBF said, “See ya’ ‘morrow, kay?” and waved to me as they rushed to the car
Kay, budster.
I love those kids.

It’s almost midnight and our power has been out since around 5pm.
Mr. B and I lit candles and hunkered down with our laptops, that have a little bit of power left J, to do some work and watch a movie.

51% on my Mac probably means another hour or so.
Joy for my Mac J.

The snow has been such a quandary because it is BEAUTIFUL.
Life in a snow globe beautiful.
Snowflakes the size of softballs beautiful.
The trees even looked beautiful.
The sound of the trees outside cracking and falling down every 20 seconds or so…not so much fun.
We’re keeping out fingers crossed tonight that nothing comes IN the house.

The trees in Mr.B’s neighboring yard are dangerously close to his second floor.



We’ll be okay.

And I’ll tell you – candles and your Mr. B on a chilly, snowy night, along with freshly baked new recipe cookies – that I’ll share with your later – and some hot cider…not a bad Saturday night.

Hope you are warm in body and heart wherever you are.

Feeling hopeful about what the sun will bring on Sunday morning.

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