Pinterst Challenge #11 - Holiday Card Holder
I pinned a ton of these totally awesome holiday card holders, on my December Board.
#1 |
#2 |
#3 |
They are all fabulous.
#1 wasn't ornate enough.
#2 wasn't really practical in that once the cards were there, it loses the cuteness
#3 wasn't, well, I'm NOT Martha...
So I started at the Dollar Tree - 'member when I was broke?
I picked these wooden plaques and shadow boxes up to do a craft with my VA niece and nephew.
They were only here for 24 hours and most of that we were catching up.
The boxes had metal doodads on the top that were easy enough to remove with a tiny, TINY, screwdriver.
So, enter LMG and a holiday card craft.
Using "birdhouse" paint, brushes, crackle, and mode podge, we chose three base colors for the boxes.
The green and red were for one project, the white is for another.
We planned to use scrapbook paper in the middle, so you can forgo painting there.
Once dry, apply crackle, let dry and coat with top color, we chose gold.
Let dry and allow time for crackle work.
Measure scrapbook paper, cut, and using adhesive spray, coat the back and stick inside.
Elmers or white glue will pucker and bubble, spray adhesive is the way to go.
Once dried, and papered, give a good coat of hodgepodge to the entire box.
While those were drying, LMG and I decorated our plaques. Let them drive, use a sharpie to add details, and modge podge. I really like the look of this holder...just not the size...too small.
Because I was a on a budget and those clips were #2.88 for TWO, I bought a whole box of mini clips.
Using our boxes, we hot glues clips around the box and one INSIDE each box.
Hot glue ribbon onto all your pieces, hang and enjoy!
For under $5.00 you get a hanger that not only holds, but displays your cards.
LMG was out of his MIND between painting and HOT GLUING....I'm in that boys good graces :)
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