His Dreams

I learned a long time ago that in life, it is FAR, FAR, FAR better to help others than to help yourself.

Sometimes you have to take care of #1, but in reality, I FEEL better, my WHOLE heart feels whole, when I'm in service to the Lord and in service to others.

So that is why.

His Dreams.

The ones he has kept since he was a little boy in a town in Columbia touch me the way they do.

His Dreams.

The ones where he dances and all eyes are on him.

His Dreams.

The one where money doesn't hold him back, but comes to him in reward for his effort.

His Dreams.

Where his family sees his success.

Those dreams.

Keep me up at night.

Toss me in my bed.

Where I wonder if I can go without pay this week for his dreams.
Where I wonder if I can go without meals this week for this dreams.

He is not my son.
He's old enough to be a sibling.

But, he is in my heart the way a son would be.

And his Dreams fill my heart with the joy and hope he lives his life with.

I suppose that's what parents really feel like.
Like they carry their child's dreams in their heart and it breaks when the road is difficult.
It breaks when the road is not fair.
Or people are unkind.  
It breaks.

His dreams.

Are beautiful.

, Smiley,

Journeys have no end?

When I was a little girl, like, little, little, I wanted to go on an epic journey.

Like the one Miss Rumphius takes in her story.

Around the world.  A journey of a hundred thousand miles.
And I would see the world and travel to many great places and meet many wonderful people.
My prayers every night included some for the orphans of the world and that maybe one day, I would be able to help them.

My prayers included one day being able to give back some of what had been given to me.

My belief in God as my salvation was strong growing up.
I'd wake to him every morning, invite him to stay with me throughout the day and watch as his majesty was thrust upon me in so many wonderful ways.

When I was little, like a teenager little, I still dreamed in bright colors but realized that bringing those dreams to fruition would not be as easy as I had originally planned.  They cost money and you'd never want to travel alone, and sometimes your dreams are just that, dreams you can never realize but that propel you forward in your pursuit.

When I was 21, I realized one big dream.  I finished my bachelors.  When I was 22, I realized a second, and finished my masters.

Fulfilling dreams is EMPOWERING.  Like, change your life empowering.


My dreams stalled.

They fell to the wayside and life started happening.  8 years later, I am still trying to figure out where they went and why I stopped caring about them.  I have a strong suspicion that God has hand in that. 

That old, never more than you can handle idea.

BRB :)

, Smiley,