In the beginning, when we're little, it feels like we're never going to get going.
We've got miles to go before our life begins.
Know what I'm talking about?
I mean - little little, not little like High School little.
When I was 7 I told myself I wanted to go to college and get a bachelors degree, then a masters degree. and then in one year I would get a doctorate.
You know, because doctorates are like super easy and by then I'd be super smart because I'd have been in school for a baijllion years?
When I was 10 I wanted life to stand still. I had the best teacher in the world and the worst home life ever.
The home life - divorce and disease - didn't seem to bother me as much as the fact that 5th grade would at some point be over and life would continue to crawl forward.
Did any of us realize when we were younger that when we felt like we were inching along, and nothing would ever change...that the world was in fact hurtling towards us at a pace that at 28, feels a bit like walking into traffic at rush hour and being taken out by an 18 wheeler.
As an elementary school teacher, I cherish the moments that my students have that are similar to my own.
The days playing red rover, or discovering koosh balls or trolls, or laughing at something not that funny for hours because your 7 and it's just that funny.
When I was a little I couldn't wait for my life to get started.
I don't think I'm supposed to feel that same way at 28.
But. I do.
I mean, I'm probably not the only one, nor do I feel as though I'm in a big majority.
I think I believed that at some point I would step over the precipice of college and enter into "my life".
The "my life" that I loved.
I'd love my job, I'd make lots of money, I'd travel and see the world, I'd fall in love, I'd have lots of children (when I was little I wanted 8 and a 15 seater van....thank GOD Jon and Kate plus 8 beat me to it and woke me to the fact that that would be an epic fail).
And sure, I've traveled, I've lived some pretty good adventures, but when I really reflect, I have so much more living to do.
I have a life that, just as it did when I was 7, feels like it's out there waiting for me to catch up and live it.
Don't get me wrong - this isn't a "who is to blame?" post.
I know where that should be placed and I do squarely carry that on my shoulders.
This is a post about the beginning of a journey.
The journey to the realization that life is just beginning.
The same way I thought it should when I was 7.
Let the year of LIVING...