Today was...
An Epic Fail.
It started with a delicious breakfast.
In the middle there was some laughter.
At the end, I am writing to you from four o'clock in the afternoon.
Mr. Belding and I have been "seeing" each other for a little over 6 months, and truth be told, things are good. Slow, but good. Slow, and that's the way I like it.
The Accountant and I dated for 11 and half years and I never married him.
Slow is the new good.
We've started the occasional spending the nights.
Mr. Belding is a Middle School principal, and don't worry, we didn't meet at school or with anything related to school.
Mutual friends.
Because he's a principal, we try not to do sleep overs during the week.
Work and everything such as.
Last night being an exception because we'd gone to see 50/50 after the School Committee Meeting and by the time we got back to his place, it was tired o'clock pm.
So I crashed.
Good house guest me got up early, made coffee and some sticky buns and got him up.
MMMmmm... |
Mr. Belding was downstairs when the sounds from the upstairs bathroom were a significant crash and then raucous laughter.
I could hear him bolting upstairs and doing what I would later describe as bounding two steps at a time upstairs.
From above I was laughing so hard I nearly peed my pants.
A little pee came out :).
I had just slipped on THAT spot in his bathroom that is always slippery.
I ALWAYS slip there and think, someday, I'll really get hurt.
Today, was that day.
"I'm glad you're laughing," Mr. Belding says, "at least you're still alive, it sounded like - cheese and biscuits!"
Mr. Belding did curse.
I was raised by two women and never had a dad.
I imagine the look on his face as one your dad makes when your current situation breaks his heart.
"I know, I know, I'm an idiot."
He approached so quickly I thought he was going to attempt an evacuation.
Suddenly, there was a warm compress on my head and he was asking me to look at him.
Trying to swat his concern away, I told him I was fine and he was being a little too cautious.
People fall.
People like me fall a lot.
Seconds before he said it, I started to feel liquid, hot liquid, trickling down my face.
Then he said it.
Then I looked down and realized he could have cared less about the fall and was far more concerned with the amount of blood I was sitting in.
"You're bleeding!
What did you cut?
An artery?
Cheese and Biscuts!"
He cursed again and I assured him I was alright, albeit starting to get a little lightheaded.
He assured me, it was far worse then I could see.
The next couple of hours are so fast.
We dressed, he called out.
We got in the car, we went to the ER.
They stitched me up.
And they kept me for observation since I was little out of it.
Best I can tell, I took the corner of his counter top on the way down. It won.
8 stitches later, I look like a fighter.
Who lost.
Baby stitches are cuter than mind, but the location is spot on. |
I'm in bed, but can't sleep for a little bit.
Mostly because I have a head ache and also because Mr. Belding has orders to keep me awake until I eat something.
Another sleep over.
Who knew, Mr. Belding?
Of all people.
Excellent care taker.
Superb mind keeper off-er-er.
Silly man.
Silly, silly, man.
I'm no Kelly Kapowski, but, you know something, I'm falling.