If you even knew?!
How many pictures I have to share of all my new adventures!
You'd freak out.
I can't up load them to my new work mac (which I'm working on right now).
But as soon as I sit down to my own computer, which seems like forever from now, right?
I'll load those bad boys, they include new Moroccan bedding, exposed brick walls, homemade magnetic head boards and lots of other excitement!
Most important.
~Miss the Bertrams like Whoa!
~Falling in love with the City and falling in love!
~Majorino and Shore are my new favs.
~BEST RESIDENTS EVER. (okay, well, arguable summer '09 was the best residents ever...but you know what I mean.)
~Miss my family like WHOA!
~LOVED getting to see NINA ninners.
~Le Target Boutique and I are in a LOVE AFFIAR.
And finally, my "sister" who has, at times, been referred to as annoying on the blog, will temporarily relieve herself of that status by bringing me the rest of my life from Massachusetts.