Oprah's Lifeclass #14 - Must Love Dogs :)

After tomorrow there is only one week of class left. 

Whatever will I blog about?

Just kidding.

Probably LMG.

He and I had cooking class today :)

We made fried MOOzerella.

That child makes me laugh like a child (LAC!) and I get to pick him up from school 4 days a week from now on :)

His mom was looking for someone who could fill that role.  She was telling me she would have to hire a college student.  I was like...ehem...I'm not working and I love that child.


There we were making mozzarella with marina and my very first pot roast in the crock.
Mr. Crock Pot is still my best friend and "secret" lover.
LMG was cracking me up by cracking up as we literally threw all our veggies into the pot.

"That's not how you cook it?  What is this gonna be, stone soup?"  And I would pay all my money in the world, which isn't that much, but still, I would pay it all, for you to be able to hear how he says, "STONE SOUP!"  His voice gets girly and adorable.

LMG: FREEZE.  Don't ever grow up, budster.
You're too much and not enough right now.
You are perfect just the way you are.
Per.  Fect.


Tonight's lesson was all about what we can learning from animals.

Unconditional love.

Miss Molly Del Pilar is my 6 year old teacup poodle.
I love every one of her 4 and 1/2 pounds and she, loves all of me.

She is fearless.

She embodies all the things I hope to share with my human friends.
She hung out in her crate all afternoon because LMG was over and that freaked her out.
She's so good.
And she may or may not have been rewarded with a bit of fried mozzarella care of LMG :)

I want to talk about the Nate Berkus piece during Katrina, but I am tired and that was very emotional.  I'll get back to it.

Looking forward to watching the joy rise tomorrow. :)

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