Since I've started this journey of a thousand miles, I never completely comprehended how dramastically (bahahahaha), my life would change.
Ehem, drastically and dramatically.
I was certainly not happy.
Not even close.
But outwardly to the world?
No one ever had a clue.
People saw me as resilient and cheerful.
Life of the party.
Bad day? You'd want me around to help you see that the sun will rise tomorrow.
My faith in God and his plan was deep.
And unwavering even in my darkest hours.
And believe me, last year, this time, things were pretty D-A-R-K.
If I had to measure my value, or self worth this time last year?
Negative 3.
I had no self worth and worst of all, the mirror and the scale OWNed me.
Obviously - things are changing.
I'm growing.
I'm learning.
Opening up.
Working out.
Generally, I'm on the up and up :)
And it all FEELS so very GOOD!
That all being stated, I'm not doing any of it alone.
I couldn't be.
I don't think you try to change your life on your own time and time again and fail, and then one day wake up and suddenly you can change.
SUPPORT networks are my personal key to change.
I've never had one.
Never knew I was missing one.
I have incredible friends. But. No one that really sits in my support team corner
Support teams are different.
When they speak, you listen and process.
You reflect.
You discuss.
They love.
They ask you to look at it from a variety of vantage points.
And so, where did I find my support network, you ask?
Because if you know me, it's not my family.
It can't be.
They need their own support network and that's not going to be me anymore.
And I just said there is a big difference between friends and support.
One word changed my life and provided support.
My "box", my coaches, my trainer, my team.
They've become my family.
Going to my box everyday is like going home.
I leave my house and head to my second home and for a few short minutes, I can be the warrior.
That's my name, you know?
At the box, the warrior can come out.
And I can jump rope and sit up.
And I can run and row.
And I can lift and dream.
And I am free to be me.
Imperfections and all.
And boy howdy, can I be imperfect.
My crossfit family has saved/changed my life.
And while that may seem a bit of a big thing to say - I guess it's more important to say that I'VE SAVED my own life.
I have.
And the warrior who lives within, gets saved everyday by a family of people who really know nothing about me or my journey.
Just that I work hard.
Every day.
And finish.
And try for standard.
And do my best.
And that, is why they love me.
And even more, why I love them.
, ♥,